When is the Right Time to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Beaufort, SC


If you have been accused and charged with a crime you are in need of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Beaufort, SC. Having a skilled and dedicated criminal defense lawyer on your side is key in order to protect your freedoms and to ensure that a proper legal defense is built to shield you. Dealing with legal charges in Beaufort can be a highly distressing ordeal with even minor violations causing considerable impact on an individual's personal and work life. The repercussions of having a criminal record can be severe, leading to loss of employment, severed relationships and alienation from loved ones.

At Theos Law Firm we offer trustworthy legal representation to those who need it most. Our criminal defense team has over 50 years of combined experience and is committed to ensuring our clients maintain their freedom and move forward with their lives. From handling drug-related charges to more nuanced federal cases, sexual misconduct offenses and murder cases, we take a personalized approach to every case. By utilizing cutting-edge legal strategies and decades of combined experience, we provide the best opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

We help clients overcome criminal charges in a wide range of cases, including the following:

  • Homicides
  • Drug Crimes
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Sex Crimes
  • Theft Crimes
  • Violent Crimes
  • Misdemeanor Offenses
  • Federal Offenses
  • More

If you are facing one or more of the charges above, it's imperative that you establish contact with a legal advocate ASAP. At Theos Law, you can rest easy knowing our phone line is always open. When your future is up for grabs, let our team of criminal defense lawyers fight for your rights. It all starts with a free consultation at our law firm in Beaufort where we will educate you on the particulars of the charges you're facing and explain the next steps in our representation.

At this point, you probably have many questions in mind. Keep reading for more information on criminal law in South Carolina and some of our criminal defense specialties at Theos Law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Beaufort, SC

Understanding Criminal Defense Cases in South Carolina


In South Carolina, criminal cases are classified into different categories based on the severity of the crime. Generally speaking, offenses that carry a maximum penalty of less than one year are considered misdemeanors. On the other hand, crimes that carry a punishment of more than one year in prison are generally classified as felonies.

State and Federal Criminal Defense Cases in South Carolina

Crimes in The Palmetto State are usually split into three categories: (1) Magistrate or Municipal Level Offenses; (2) General Sessions or Circuit Court State Charges; and, (3) Federal Crimes. Classifications are based on which prosecuting body has jurisdiction to prosecute a particular charge or offense. Regardless of which court your criminal charge is in, the Theos Law Firm has decades of experience protecting individuals from prosecution and assuring that the best possible outcome is achieved.

 Attorney At Law Beaufort, SC
 Car Accident Attorney Beaufort, SC

The Difference Between Misdemeanors and Felonies in South Carolina

Understanding the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony crime can be challenging for someone facing their first charge. Misdemeanors are generally considered minor offenses, and can result in punishment by incarceration up to one year.

Conversely, felonies are more severe crimes which are punishable by incarceration of more than one year. Those charged with a felony may face significant fines and a prison sentences of over a year in a federal or state institution. Convicted felons may face difficulties after their release such as losing the right to vote and the right to carry a firearm. These penalties make it crucial to have a reliable criminal defense attorney in Beaufort, SC.

Plea Deals in South Carolina

It is not uncommon for legal cases to be resolved without a trial through a plea deal. In order to assure that the best possible plea deal become available it is crucial for your legal defense to properly build your defense and prepare your case for trial. Deciding to represent yourself or not hiring the best legal team will likely result in exposure to unnecessary penalties, fines and jail time.

 Car Accident Lawyer Beaufort, SC

When is the Right Time to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Beaufort, SC?


At Theos Law Firm, we often receive questions from potential clients about when they should hire a criminal defense attorney for the charges that they're facing. Although each situation and client are unique, there are some common criminal situations to keep in mind. In general, it's always best to reach out to an experienced attorney as soon as you're charged or have been arrested.

Below are some guidelines to help you decide when it's necessary to retain a criminal defense attorney for your case in South Carolina.

 Family Law Beaufort, SC

When You've Been Accused or Charged

Thinking about hiring a criminal defense lawyer when you're charged with a crime is a no-brainer for most, and for good reason. Our team of experience criminal defense attorneys can offer assistance with various offenses, ranging from minor crimes to more serious ones such as sexual assault and manslaughter. Regardless of the charges, navigating the legal system can be complex, and without the guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer, the situation can escalate rapidly. It is critical that you engage an experienced attorney as soon as possible!

 Family Law Attorney Beaufort, SC

When Investigators or Police Question You

As you may have observed in movies or television shows, the police might request you to provide a statement, giving the impression that you are not under arrest. Remember, it is within your rights to have a criminal defense attorney in Beaufort, SC, present during questioning, and you should absolutely use that to your advantage. If possible, consult with an attorney before answering any questions or participating in any discussions with law enforcement.

 Family Lawyer Beaufort, SC

When Authorities Search Your Residence

In the event that law enforcement officers arrive at your residence with a warrant, it indicates that a judge has determined there is reasonable suspicion that evidence related to a criminal offense is present in your home. Regardless of whether they discover and confiscate anything, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a seasoned defense attorney to discuss the situation and receive assistance in determining any potential charges or locations they may investigate in the future.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Beaufort, SC

When You Are Wrongly Accused of Committing a Crime

Could you imagine being accused of something you didn't do? When you are accused or charged with committing a crime that you didn't commit defending yourself may seem straightforward but it can be an arduous task to see to it that the charges are timely resolved. It can also feel hopeless and like it's impossible for you to get someone to listen to your side. The truth is that anything you say or do can and will be used against you. To increase your chances of being cleared of charges, it's advisable to have a defense lawyer who can support your innocence and fight for your rights. Criminal defense attorneys at Theos Law don't just listen - we act swiftly and always with your best interests at heart.

 Truck Accident Attorney Beaufort, SC

When Your Child Is Involved

The legal system for juveniles in South Carolina is different than it is for adults. It comes with its own complications and hurdles to overcome. If you your child has been accused of a crime it's imperative to get legal counsel swiftly. Failure to do so could be destructive to your child's life, your family or result in a exposure to jail time. Keep reading to learn more about just a few of the most common criminal defense cases we accept at Theos Law Firm.

Criminal Defense for DUIs in South Carolina


In terms of common criminal offenses in South Carolina, DUIs top the list, especially regarding mindful drivers with clean driving records and no criminal history. Unfortunately for these drivers, a DUI conviction in South Carolina stays on your record and cannot be expunged. Even first-time offenses with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent can be costly. Your insurance premiums go up for years, you may end up paying almost $1,000 in fines and fees, and there's a good chance you'll have to perform community service or serve jail time.

If your breathalyzer test result is more than .15%, you refuse the breathalyzer, or it is recorded as a refusal, your license will be automatically suspended, which complicates matters further. Throw in the possibility of interlock device rental, and your life may never be the same. For those reasons alone, it is crucial to approach such charges with the help of a DUI defense lawyer. At Theos Law Firm, our attorneys have years of experience in successfully fighting these types of charges.

Fortunately, if you or a loved one has been charged with DUI, there is hope. That's especially true if the accused has undergone a breath or blood test for DUI. In fact, cases that involve such tests are successfully beaten every day. At Theos Law Firm, we will thoroughly investigate your DUI case in Beaufort and explore every possible angle to have it dismissed.

To begin that process, your criminal defense lawyer in Beaufort, SC, may seek answers to many questions, including:

  • Was your DUI stop legal? If not, your case could be thrown out.
  • Is there enough probable cause or evidence for an arrest? If there is not, it's possible to file a pre-trial motion for your case to be dismissed.
  • Did officers explain implied consent rights? One of the most common errors police make is failing to take this step.
  • Did the police maintain your BAC and breathalyzer results? Breath testing often comes with inherent weaknesses. This can create doubt in a juror's mind.
 Truck Accident Lawyer Beaufort, SC

Criminal Defense for Drug Cases in South Carolina


If you are dealing with drug-related crimes in Beaufort or another city in South Carolina, it is crucial for you to understand the potential penalties involved. Possession of a controlled substance may fall under the category of a misdemeanor, but many drug offenses are considered felonies. Even a minor drug offense conviction can result in long-lasting negative consequences. As such, it's always advisable to explore your options and seek the assistance of a Beaufort drug crime attorney. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can help safeguard your rights and may help achieve a favorable outcome.

One of the most frequent questions we hear at Theos Law is, "What does possession mean?"

Drug charges based on possession in South Carolina are divided into three categories:

  • Simple Possession
  • Possession with Intent to Distribute
  • Drug Trafficking

However, the state also has other drug charges that are not based on the weight of the drugs. These include:

  • Drug Distribution
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution Near Schools, Parks, or Playgrounds
Criminal Defense Lawyer Beaufort, SC

Possession-based drug charges in South Carolina are deemed "graduated offenses" with penalties that grow more severe based on the weight of the drugs. It's important to note that the charges can be based on either actual or constructive possession. Contact a criminal defense lawyer in Beaufort, SC, today to learn more about the complexities involved with drug cases in Beaufort and other cities in South Carolina.

Some of the most common drug charges we see at Theos Law include the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • LSD and Hallucinogens
  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • Prescription Pain Killers
  • Fentanyl
 Attorney At Law Beaufort, SC

Can I be Arrested for Drug Paraphernalia in South Carolina?

The simple answer to this question is a resounding "Yes." Drug paraphernalia can refer to various items such as pipes, bongs, syringes, scales, grinders, and rolling papers which are linked to drug usage, preparation, storage, or hiding. Even though some of these items may have legitimate uses, like tobacco pipes or medical syringes, they can still be scrutinized by law enforcement if there is proof of illegal drug use or intent.

Criminal Defense for Assault and Battery Cases in South Carolina


If you are facing assault and battery charges, it is possible that you haven't actually physically harmed someone. Many people associate assault and battery with brutal beatings, but that is just one example. There are other situations that are less severe than what people typically imagine.

 Car Accident Attorney Beaufort, SC

It's a common misunderstanding that physical injury is required for assault and battery charges. The fines, penalties, and jail time you may face depend on the severity of your charges and the number of offenses. Regardless of the degree of your charges, Assault and Battery is a serious offense that should not be taken lightly. The consequences of a conviction can be life-changing, and as such, your criminal defense lawyer in Beaufort, SC, should work relentlessly to fight the charges being levied against you.

Though this list isn't comprehensive, here are some of the biggest factors that dictate the severity of your assault and battery charges:

  • Age of Victim
  • Severity of Injuries Sustained
  • Size and Weight of Accused vs. Size and Weight of Victim
  • Whether or Not the Victim Presses Charges
  • Whether or Not Weapons Were Involved
  • Whether or Not the Victim's Privates Were Touched

Understanding the Degrees of Assault and Battery in South Carolina

Third Degree

Causing harm to someone or threatening to do so with the ability to carry out the threat can result in a charge of third-degree assault and battery. This misdemeanor offense is typically heard in municipal or magistrate courts and may carry a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail.

Second Degree

Causing harm or making threats to harm someone that results in moderate bodily injury can lead to charges of second-degree assault and battery. Additionally, touching someone's private parts without their consent can also result in charges of assault and battery in the second degree. This misdemeanor offense is heard in General Session court and can carry a maximum sentence of three years in prison.

First Degree

Assault and Battery in the first degree can involve a number of actions such as inflicting an unlawful injury when kidnapping, touching a person's privates "with lewd and lascivious intent," and much more. Contact Theos Law Firm for more info on the degrees of Assault and Battery in South Carolina.

What Client Say About Us

Everyone Deserves a Reliable Criminal Defense Attorney in Beaufort, SC


At Theos Law firm, we work tirelessly to ensure that our client's rights are not overlooked. Because unfortunately, the rights of everyday citizens are often trampled by law enforcement oversights and legal system failures.

That's why every criminal defense lawyer at our firm works hard to provide guidance and support throughout the legal process by keeping you informed of updates and as comfortable as possible during this trying time. Benefits of hiring Theos Law Firm include:

  • Thorough Knowledge of South Carolina Criminal Law & Procedures
  • Seasoned Legal Representation in the Courtroom
  • Years of Experience Structuring Plea bargains
  • Ability to Identify Due Process Violations
  • Fierce Dedication to Clients & Vigorous Representation
  • Skilled Negotiation Tactics Involved with Bail, Sentencing, Appeals, and More
  • Familiarity with Local Prosecutors

Unlike some criminal defense law firms in South Carolina, our team believes that everyone deserves a great lawyer when their freedoms are on the line. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime in South Carolina, trust Theos Law to have your back without judgment.

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Latest News in Beaufort, SC

A Breakfast Club Of 'Elders' In Beaufort, South Carolina Are Now Unlikely Film Stars

Every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m., a group of men gather for breakfast at Blackstone’s Cafe on Scott Street in Beaufort, South Carolina. They range in...

Every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m., a group of men gather for breakfast at Blackstone’s Cafe on Scott Street in Beaufort, South Carolina. They range in age—Steve Lanier just entered his eighties, while Ray Stocks is 100 years old. Many of the men have served in the military; the group spans all wars from World War II to present. Combined, they have 980 years of life experience.

And those are stories worth sharing.

That’s the heart behind “Breakfast in Beaufort: Journeys Through Life,” a new short documentary film produced and directed by Raymond Smith of Modos Media alongside his son, Andrew, the film’s editor and Director of Photography.

“Breakfast in Beaufort: Journeys Through Life” opens with the group of men enjoying company together each week—a continuation of small-town tradition, Robert DeLoach, 98, shares on camera, where men used to gather and talk over a cup of coffee. Their breakfast club covers all kinds of topics, providing a bit of “a history lesson” from the elders to the younger men in the group.

“We share a culture of respect, of learning—you can share who you are and help them grow, but much more importantly, you grow yourself by listening to them,” Lanier, 80, shares in the film.

Eleven men are featured in “Breakfast in Beaufort: Journeys Through Life,” each with their own words of wisdom as interviewed in their homes: W.R. “Skeet” von Harten, Pat Garrett, Guy McSweeney, Steve Lanier, Mike Keyserling, Merle Mulvaney, Ray Stocks, Carter Swenson, Robert DeLoach, Daryl Fergusen, and Tom Mikell. They speak on themes and life lessons they remember from their own parents, including advocacy, kindness, responsibility, and hard work.

The film is airing at the 19th annual Beaufort International Film Festival, which runs through February 23, 2025 at the University of South Carolina Beaufort Center for the Arts. With its local connection and timely message of turning a listening ear to elders, the film’s screening—happening Saturday, February 22—is already sold out.

“This film is about elders, not a phrase often used in our society—some see older people as past their ‘sell-by date’ or irrelevant,” Smith shared with Southern Living. “In this film, we see a combined 980 years of experience, learning, and wisdom of a group of older men who join each other each week to share breakfast and their stories and thoughts. We see their energy, humor and care for us all.”

As reported by The Island Packet, Smith clarified that while the documentary features many veterans, it is not just focused on wartime experiences. The idea was first brought to Smith by the film’s executive producer, Richard Sribnick—a doctor who lives part-time just northeast of Beaufort on Lady’s Island.

After coming across the men at Blackstone’s one Wednesday, Sribnick approached Raymond and Andrew with the original idea to share stories of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. To Smith, there was a greater opportunity to unearth wisdom from around the breakfast table.

“[Our elders] encourage us to be better toward each other and show that small gestures can bring about surprising impact, sometimes even on a global scale,” Smith told SL. “So next time you see an older person sitting alone, just say hello and you may be surprised by what you will learn.”

This ties into one key lesson that the men themselves share in the film. “Pay attention,” says 92-year-old W.R. “Skeet” von Harten on screen. “Enjoy what you’ve got. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. If you get tired, sit down and rest. If you want to go, go…Be happy, be kind, be productive, and don’t complain. That’s what this 92-year-old says.”

The director is also working on sharing the short documentary film on SCETV, the state’s public educational broadcast network.

It's a good reminder—whether you're able to catch the screening or not—to cherish the words and memories that are so quickly lost from generation to generation, with thoughtful questions and intentional listening. You may want to digitize some of your old family photos to go along with Nana and Grandpa's stories, as well.

Here’s everything to know about trash and burn laws in Beaufort County

With South Carolina quickly becoming one of the top spots for moving and Beaufort County ranked in the top five best counties to raise a family, it’s important to know some of the basics of living in a new place.Although not the most exciting aspect of moving, waste collection is a critical function for any city.Here’s everything you need to know about trash pick-up, convenience centers and tras...

With South Carolina quickly becoming one of the top spots for moving and Beaufort County ranked in the top five best counties to raise a family, it’s important to know some of the basics of living in a new place.

Although not the most exciting aspect of moving, waste collection is a critical function for any city.

Here’s everything you need to know about trash pick-up, convenience centers and trash burn laws for areas within Beaufort County.

For the City of Beaufort, Capital Waste Services provides residents with weekly household trash collection.

They also provide once per week yard waste collection, every other week mixed recyclables collection and bulk item collection by appointment, which you can schedule by phone or online.

For the unincorporated areas of Beaufort County and contracted curbside locations, the following companies provide trash pick-up:

For Beaufort County residents of apartments and condominiums, your complex may provide bulk pick-up from a complex dumpster, but recycling collection may not be offered.

Beaufort County offers convenience centers for residents to dispose of their residential trash. Four of these locations offer recycling options.

To use the Beaufort County convenience centers, you must have a recycling decal and solid waste pass. You can register for one or both online here.

All nine centers are open 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., but different centers are open on different days:

When it comes to burning trash, the state of South Carolina bans burning residential and household trash items.

Open burning can pose environmental and safety risks, according to the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. In addition to causing brush, residential and forest fires, open burning can release toxic pollutants into the air and produce ash containing toxic metals.

These toxic materials can then be inhaled, ingested by children in contaminated soil or absorbed by produce through soil, resulting in potential health risks.

In South Carolina, it’s illegal to burn:

However, Beaufort County does permit residents to burn certain items.

According to the City of Beaufort Fire Department, these items include natural vegetation, yard debris, limbs, leaves and other natural items.

It is recommended that before you burn any natural vegetation items, you request a permit by calling the burn request line at 843-525-7032 on each day on which burning will be conducted.

For first-time burns, the permit holder must have their property and burn area inspected by a fire official before the permit is issued.

Beaufort County states that all burning must be done before 3 p.m. and that there must be a nearby water source.

However, certain requirements, contact numbers and burn ordinances vary by municipality, so it’s important to check with your nearest fire department for those protocols.

For additional information about burn permits and requirements in Beaufort County, refer to the burn ordinances or contact the City of Beaufort Fire Marshal’s office at 843-525-7055.

This story was originally published January 28, 2025 at 6:00 AM.

Closures continue as Beaufort County slowly thaws from mid-week snowfall

BEAUFORT — It's been nearly two days since several inches of frozen precipitation started to fall across Beaufort County. With daytime temperatures hovering in the 30s over the intervening days, the hard-packed snow and ice remains stubbornly in place on the region's roads, prompting schools, businesses and government offices to announce their intentions t...

BEAUFORT — It's been nearly two days since several inches of frozen precipitation started to fall across Beaufort County. With daytime temperatures hovering in the 30s over the intervening days, the hard-packed snow and ice remains stubbornly in place on the region's roads, prompting schools, businesses and government offices to announce their intentions to remain closed Jan. 24.

"After consultation with Emergency Management regarding current and expected road conditions impacted by ice, frozen sleet, and snow, there will be no school or E-learning tomorrow, Friday, January 24, 2025, and district buildings will be closed," wrote Beaufort County School District spokesperson Candace Bruder in an email, adding that all extracurricular activities planned through Jan. 26 will be rescheduled.

Classes are expected to resume Jan. 27.

Across the border in Jasper County, schools will have an e-learning day Jan. 24 and all evening activities will be rescheduled.

Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head and Port Royal municipal offices will all be closed, as will county government offices.

"After consultation with Emergency Management regarding tonight's forecast and road conditions, county offices will remain closed on Friday, January 24, 2025. This includes the convenience centers," wrote Beaufort County spokesperson Hannah Nichols in an email to The Post and Courier.

Ferry service to Daufuskie Island is expected to resume Jan. 24, though that could change depending up weather conditions. Due to accumulations of ice, both Hilton Head Island Airport and Beaufort Executive Airport remain closed, and travelers are encouraged to check with their respective carriers for more information.

Hours for warming shelters in Beaufort County have been extended as a result of the unusually long cold spell.

In Beaufort, Sea Island Presbyterian Church, located at 81 Lady’s Island Drive, opened its cold weather shelter at 5 p.m. Jan. 19. The shelter will operate from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. through the morning of Jan. 25. Service animals are allowed, but pets are not permitted.

On Hilton Head Island, Christ Lutheran Church, 829 William Hilton Parkway, opened a cold weather shelter Jan. 20. It will remain open through the morning of Jan. 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Service animal are allowed, but pets are not permitted.

The National Weather Service reported that 2 to 4 inches of snow and sleet fell over the county overnight Jan. 21 into the early morning Jan. 22. Temperatures rose above freezing Jan. 22, but plummeted with nightfall, leaving new layers of dangerous ice on county roads.

Any number of public safety agencies have issued warnings about the potential for the formation of black ice as melting ice refreezes when overnight temperatures drop. The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office issued a statement Jan. 23 requesting that drivers stay off the roads unless travel cannot be avoided. Travel on primary roads like U.S. 278 and S.C. 170, the advisory said, is improving, but some hazards remain. However, travel on secondary, rural and private roads remains hazardous.

"Please keep in mind, that regardless of conditions improving on certain roads, shaded areas could potentially still be frozen," read the advisory in part.

Up to this point, residents appear to be heeding the warnings and staying off the roads. The Bluffton Township Fire District reported that it had only received a single call for an auto accident since the winter storm set in during then evening of Jan. 21. North of the Broad River, the Beaufort/Port Royal Fire Depart responded to a single multivehicle accident with injuries and two noninjury auto accidents.

"Thankfully, residents are listening to public safety officials and staying off the road," said Stephen Combs, public information officer for the Bluffton Township Fire District.

The National Weather Service has advised that the cold weather that has gripped the area in recent days will likely continue through the weekend, though daytime highs will begin to creep up. The warming trend is expected to continue into next week, when highs in the 60s are forecast.

Free college classes are now being offered to Beaufort County students. Here’s what to know

Ready to kick-start college or maybe make your degree a little cheaper?This year, the Beaufort County School District and Technical College of the Lowcountry are opening applications for their 2025-2026 free dual enrollment program for high school students.This program, called BCSD Tides, is the first semester this opportunity is open to students, allowing q...

Ready to kick-start college or maybe make your degree a little cheaper?

This year, the Beaufort County School District and Technical College of the Lowcountry are opening applications for their 2025-2026 free dual enrollment program for high school students.

This program, called BCSD Tides, is the first semester this opportunity is open to students, allowing qualified rising ninth-grade students to enroll in a full-time dual enrollment cohort.

This program has been in the works for a while now, with BCSD and TCL working together to fit this program to the students’ needs.

Now, Beaufort County students can kick-start their higher education and have the chance to leave high school with two associate’s degrees and up to three technical certificates.

“The BCSD Tides dual enrollment model is the result of both learning institutions’ commitment to elevating student learning experiences through technology and teaching,” said Dr. Mary Stratos, chief instructional services officer for the district.

Like traditional dual enrollment courses, students will earn both high school and college credit for completing classes taught by TCL instructors.

Accepted students will complete the program as a cohort beginning in ninth grade and can continue through high school graduation.

According to program administrators, there will be 50 students per cohort year, divided up into groups of 25 students at each TCL location.

Students can choose one of two associate degree pathways as a ‘major’ for their ninth and 10th grade years and then can declare an associate degree minor that comes with a technical program emphasis for their junior and senior years.

Dual enrollment classes are free to Beaufort County district students. In addition, the Beaufort County School District has a Memorandum of Agreement that incurs all costs, including textbooks and meals.

Students attending the following high schools are eligible for this cohort:

Rising ninth-grade students who are interested in BCSD Tides and are currently enrolled in private, charter or homeschool organizations are also encouraged to apply.

Eligibility is based on the following criteria:

This free dual enrollment program is intended to provide more than just college credit, it provides students with critical soft skills, time management and other necessary skills to excel in higher education and the workforce.

“The BCSD Tides program reflects a deepened partnership between BCSD and TCL in providing district students with more innovative and unique opportunities to excel while in high school as well as advance their academic and professional futures,” said BCSD Superintendent Dr. Frank Rodriguez.

This program is unique in its design, as BCSD Tides students can complete the program with two associate degrees and a technical certificate from TCL.

This dual enrollment program offers a variety of majors and minors that students can apply and benefit from in their future studies. These programs include:

Majors (Associate Degrees):

Minors (Certificate Degrees):

The option to declare a minor with a technical certificate is an added option for upper-grade high school students who want to continue specializing their education and earn class credit.

Certificate degrees are useful because they are focused on their objective and are related to a specific job or career niche, setting students apart in college applications or the workforce.

“What I enjoy most about teaching in the BCSD Tides program is how the students challenge me as an instructor,” said Daniel Herrin, an English instructor at the TCL. “They are bright and curious, always looking beyond the standard boundaries and approaches, which constantly challenges me to re-think how I teach.”

Students interested in this program who do not attend a Beaufort County high school are still encouraged to apply. This includes private, charter and homeschool students.

The MOA for this program permits students within a 50-mile radius to be eligible.

Some private and charter schools may already have a dual enrollment agreement set in place, so check with your school to see if that applies.

For homeschool students, you must register as a student through the Beaufort County School District. Visit the BCSD registration page to contact the correct school.

If a student is above the ninth-grade level and is interested in this program, they can still apply but may not reap the same benefits, such as earning an associate’s degree in time for high school graduation. Their acceptance depends on available cohort space.

The BCSD and TCL are looking to keep “pure cohorts” to preserve the uniqueness of the program and allow participants to experience all these classes have to offer.

Eligible students can apply to BCSD Tides starting March 1 through April 11, 2025.

To apply, visit https://www.beaufortschools.net/families/school-choiceprograms.

Program advisors state that applicants should be notified by mid-May of their acceptance. They also state that there will be an appeals process at the end of May for those who wish to do so.

Classes are divided between TCL’s New River Campus and Beaufort Mather Campus.

Bluffton, Hilton Head Island and May River High Schools will be located at the New River Campus in Bluffton.

Whale Branch Early College, Beaufort and Battery Creek High Schools will be located at the Beaufort Mather Campus in Beaufort.

Both BCSD and TCL program representatives state that before all else, students involved in this dual enrollment program are students of their zoned high schools first.

Meaning that continued participation in sports, clubs and other extracurriculars through their zoned high school is encouraged.

For more information on the program and how to apply, BCSD and TCL are hosting the following sessions:

Virtual Information Session: Wednesday, March 5

Northern Beaufort County: Monday, March 17

Southern Beaufort County: Wednesday, March 19

If you are interested in a tour, you can visit the TCL’s New River Campus in Bluffton. You can schedule a tour by clicking here or visiting https://www.tcl.edu/bcsd-tides-program.

If you’re wondering if dual enrollment is the right path for you, your school counselor can help.

Battery Creek High School: Kirsten Nash

Contact: Kirsten.Nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us or (843) 322-5658

Beaufort High School: David Favata

Contact: David.Favata@beaufort.k12.sc.us or (843) 322-2025

Bluffton High School: Katie Cox

Contact: Olivia.Cox@beaufort.k12.sc.us or (843) 706-8947

Hilton Head Island High School: Julie Markle

Contact: Julie.markle@beaufort.k12.sc.us or (843) 689-4918

May River High School: Keisha Glover

Contact: Keisha.Glover@beaufort.k12.sc.us or (843 )836-4870

Whale Branch Early College High School: Giovanni Glover

Contact: gglover@tcl.edu or (843) 466-2771

The Island Packet

(843) 626-0211

Anna Claire Miller is the Service Journalism Reporter for The Island Packet. Originally from Georgia, she has experience in magazine writing, non-profit communications and city government. Anna Claire has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, legal studies and English from High Point University.

Five Below to open new store in Beaufort County. Here’s where to find the latest SC store

Editor’s note: The Island Packet was provided incorrect information by a Five Below spokesperson and press release, which initially stated that Five Below had opened in the county. The story has since been updated to reflect the latest information. The Island Packet regrets the error. Looking for a place to shop all the newest trends and hottest deals without breaking the bank?Then Bluffton’s newest addition of a Five Below is the spot f...

Editor’s note: The Island Packet was provided incorrect information by a Five Below spokesperson and press release, which initially stated that Five Below had opened in the county. The story has since been updated to reflect the latest information. The Island Packet regrets the error.

Looking for a place to shop all the newest trends and hottest deals without breaking the bank?

Then Bluffton’s newest addition of a Five Below is the spot for you.

Five Below will officially open its newest store in Bluffton at 1460 Fording Island Road, tucked in the Old Navy, Marshall’s and Ulta Beauty shopping center.

This location promises to bring a whole new level of value, fun and trendiness for shoppers of all ages.

To mark the grand opening, the store is set to host a festive weekend full of music, activities, special deals and trivia prizes.

They even promise to award the first 100 customers on opening day with a free drawstring bag.

According to Ranya Russo, spokesperson for the Five Below company, the official opening date is now set for March 21.

Sticking true to its name, Five Below is known for its “extreme value” offerings, where most product prices range from $1 to $5. However, they have additional finds in their new section named “Five Beyond,” where items are priced beyond $5 but still cheaper than other competing outlets.

Whether you’re looking for candy, beauty products, tech gadgets, room décor, t-shirts or the latest trendy items, Five Below has it all.

The new store in Bluffton features a wide range of fun, high-quality products across several retail sectors, including style, room, sports, tech, create, party, candy and new & now. All of these sections and their offerings can be viewed online.

Plus, the Bluffton store has a dedicated party shop, complete with a variety of helium balloons, décor, and party favors to make any event extra special.

This new location in Bluffton will be open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. It is also open on Sundays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Five Below has other neighboring locations in Beaufort, Walterboro, Savannah and Pooler.

Five Below was founded in 2002, with its first store opening in Wayne, Pennsylvania. It is now headquartered in Philadelphia.

Five Below is a leading value retailer offering a wide selection of trending and high-quality products for tweens, teens and beyond. With more than 1,800 stores nationwide, Five Below is known for providing unique items for incredibly low prices.

For more information, visit www.fivebelow.com or stay updated through social media by following @FiveBelow on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

This story was originally published February 22, 2025 at 6:00 AM.

The Island Packet

(843) 626-0211

Anna Claire Miller is the Service Journalism Reporter for The Island Packet. Originally from Georgia, she has experience in magazine writing, non-profit communications and city government. Anna Claire has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, legal studies and English from High Point University.


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