When is the Right Time to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Bluffton, SC


If you have been accused and charged with a crime you are in need of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Bluffton, SC. Having a skilled and dedicated criminal defense lawyer on your side is key in order to protect your freedoms and to ensure that a proper legal defense is built to shield you. Dealing with legal charges in Bluffton can be a highly distressing ordeal with even minor violations causing considerable impact on an individual's personal and work life. The repercussions of having a criminal record can be severe, leading to loss of employment, severed relationships and alienation from loved ones.

At Theos Law Firm we offer trustworthy legal representation to those who need it most. Our criminal defense team has over 50 years of combined experience and is committed to ensuring our clients maintain their freedom and move forward with their lives. From handling drug-related charges to more nuanced federal cases, sexual misconduct offenses and murder cases, we take a personalized approach to every case. By utilizing cutting-edge legal strategies and decades of combined experience, we provide the best opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

We help clients overcome criminal charges in a wide range of cases, including the following:

  • Homicides
  • Drug Crimes
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Sex Crimes
  • Theft Crimes
  • Violent Crimes
  • Misdemeanor Offenses
  • Federal Offenses
  • More

If you are facing one or more of the charges above, it's imperative that you establish contact with a legal advocate ASAP. At Theos Law, you can rest easy knowing our phone line is always open. When your future is up for grabs, let our team of criminal defense lawyers fight for your rights. It all starts with a free consultation at our law firm in Bluffton where we will educate you on the particulars of the charges you're facing and explain the next steps in our representation.

At this point, you probably have many questions in mind. Keep reading for more information on criminal law in South Carolina and some of our criminal defense specialties at Theos Law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Bluffton, SC

Understanding Criminal Defense Cases in South Carolina


In South Carolina, criminal cases are classified into different categories based on the severity of the crime. Generally speaking, offenses that carry a maximum penalty of less than one year are considered misdemeanors. On the other hand, crimes that carry a punishment of more than one year in prison are generally classified as felonies.

State and Federal Criminal Defense Cases in South Carolina

Crimes in The Palmetto State are usually split into three categories: (1) Magistrate or Municipal Level Offenses; (2) General Sessions or Circuit Court State Charges; and, (3) Federal Crimes. Classifications are based on which prosecuting body has jurisdiction to prosecute a particular charge or offense. Regardless of which court your criminal charge is in, the Theos Law Firm has decades of experience protecting individuals from prosecution and assuring that the best possible outcome is achieved.

 Attorney At Law Bluffton, SC
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The Difference Between Misdemeanors and Felonies in South Carolina

Understanding the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony crime can be challenging for someone facing their first charge. Misdemeanors are generally considered minor offenses, and can result in punishment by incarceration up to one year.

Conversely, felonies are more severe crimes which are punishable by incarceration of more than one year. Those charged with a felony may face significant fines and a prison sentences of over a year in a federal or state institution. Convicted felons may face difficulties after their release such as losing the right to vote and the right to carry a firearm. These penalties make it crucial to have a reliable criminal defense attorney in Bluffton, SC.

Plea Deals in South Carolina

It is not uncommon for legal cases to be resolved without a trial through a plea deal. In order to assure that the best possible plea deal become available it is crucial for your legal defense to properly build your defense and prepare your case for trial. Deciding to represent yourself or not hiring the best legal team will likely result in exposure to unnecessary penalties, fines and jail time.

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When is the Right Time to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Bluffton, SC?


At Theos Law Firm, we often receive questions from potential clients about when they should hire a criminal defense attorney for the charges that they're facing. Although each situation and client are unique, there are some common criminal situations to keep in mind. In general, it's always best to reach out to an experienced attorney as soon as you're charged or have been arrested.

Below are some guidelines to help you decide when it's necessary to retain a criminal defense attorney for your case in South Carolina.

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When You've Been Accused or Charged

Thinking about hiring a criminal defense lawyer when you're charged with a crime is a no-brainer for most, and for good reason. Our team of experience criminal defense attorneys can offer assistance with various offenses, ranging from minor crimes to more serious ones such as sexual assault and manslaughter. Regardless of the charges, navigating the legal system can be complex, and without the guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer, the situation can escalate rapidly. It is critical that you engage an experienced attorney as soon as possible!

 Family Law Attorney Bluffton, SC

When Investigators or Police Question You

As you may have observed in movies or television shows, the police might request you to provide a statement, giving the impression that you are not under arrest. Remember, it is within your rights to have a criminal defense attorney in Bluffton, SC, present during questioning, and you should absolutely use that to your advantage. If possible, consult with an attorney before answering any questions or participating in any discussions with law enforcement.

 Family Lawyer Bluffton, SC

When Authorities Search Your Residence

In the event that law enforcement officers arrive at your residence with a warrant, it indicates that a judge has determined there is reasonable suspicion that evidence related to a criminal offense is present in your home. Regardless of whether they discover and confiscate anything, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a seasoned defense attorney to discuss the situation and receive assistance in determining any potential charges or locations they may investigate in the future.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Bluffton, SC

When You Are Wrongly Accused of Committing a Crime

Could you imagine being accused of something you didn't do? When you are accused or charged with committing a crime that you didn't commit defending yourself may seem straightforward but it can be an arduous task to see to it that the charges are timely resolved. It can also feel hopeless and like it's impossible for you to get someone to listen to your side. The truth is that anything you say or do can and will be used against you. To increase your chances of being cleared of charges, it's advisable to have a defense lawyer who can support your innocence and fight for your rights. Criminal defense attorneys at Theos Law don't just listen - we act swiftly and always with your best interests at heart.

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When Your Child Is Involved

The legal system for juveniles in South Carolina is different than it is for adults. It comes with its own complications and hurdles to overcome. If you your child has been accused of a crime it's imperative to get legal counsel swiftly. Failure to do so could be destructive to your child's life, your family or result in a exposure to jail time. Keep reading to learn more about just a few of the most common criminal defense cases we accept at Theos Law Firm.

Criminal Defense for DUIs in South Carolina


In terms of common criminal offenses in South Carolina, DUIs top the list, especially regarding mindful drivers with clean driving records and no criminal history. Unfortunately for these drivers, a DUI conviction in South Carolina stays on your record and cannot be expunged. Even first-time offenses with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent can be costly. Your insurance premiums go up for years, you may end up paying almost $1,000 in fines and fees, and there's a good chance you'll have to perform community service or serve jail time.

If your breathalyzer test result is more than .15%, you refuse the breathalyzer, or it is recorded as a refusal, your license will be automatically suspended, which complicates matters further. Throw in the possibility of interlock device rental, and your life may never be the same. For those reasons alone, it is crucial to approach such charges with the help of a DUI defense lawyer. At Theos Law Firm, our attorneys have years of experience in successfully fighting these types of charges.

Fortunately, if you or a loved one has been charged with DUI, there is hope. That's especially true if the accused has undergone a breath or blood test for DUI. In fact, cases that involve such tests are successfully beaten every day. At Theos Law Firm, we will thoroughly investigate your DUI case in Bluffton and explore every possible angle to have it dismissed.

To begin that process, your criminal defense lawyer in Bluffton, SC, may seek answers to many questions, including:

  • Was your DUI stop legal? If not, your case could be thrown out.
  • Is there enough probable cause or evidence for an arrest? If there is not, it's possible to file a pre-trial motion for your case to be dismissed.
  • Did officers explain implied consent rights? One of the most common errors police make is failing to take this step.
  • Did the police maintain your BAC and breathalyzer results? Breath testing often comes with inherent weaknesses. This can create doubt in a juror's mind.
 Truck Accident Lawyer Bluffton, SC

Criminal Defense for Drug Cases in South Carolina


If you are dealing with drug-related crimes in Bluffton or another city in South Carolina, it is crucial for you to understand the potential penalties involved. Possession of a controlled substance may fall under the category of a misdemeanor, but many drug offenses are considered felonies. Even a minor drug offense conviction can result in long-lasting negative consequences. As such, it's always advisable to explore your options and seek the assistance of a Bluffton drug crime attorney. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can help safeguard your rights and may help achieve a favorable outcome.

One of the most frequent questions we hear at Theos Law is, "What does possession mean?"

Drug charges based on possession in South Carolina are divided into three categories:

  • Simple Possession
  • Possession with Intent to Distribute
  • Drug Trafficking

However, the state also has other drug charges that are not based on the weight of the drugs. These include:

  • Drug Distribution
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution Near Schools, Parks, or Playgrounds
Criminal Defense Lawyer Bluffton, SC

Possession-based drug charges in South Carolina are deemed "graduated offenses" with penalties that grow more severe based on the weight of the drugs. It's important to note that the charges can be based on either actual or constructive possession. Contact a criminal defense lawyer in Bluffton, SC, today to learn more about the complexities involved with drug cases in Bluffton and other cities in South Carolina.

Some of the most common drug charges we see at Theos Law include the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • LSD and Hallucinogens
  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • Prescription Pain Killers
  • Fentanyl
 Attorney At Law Bluffton, SC

Can I be Arrested for Drug Paraphernalia in South Carolina?

The simple answer to this question is a resounding "Yes." Drug paraphernalia can refer to various items such as pipes, bongs, syringes, scales, grinders, and rolling papers which are linked to drug usage, preparation, storage, or hiding. Even though some of these items may have legitimate uses, like tobacco pipes or medical syringes, they can still be scrutinized by law enforcement if there is proof of illegal drug use or intent.

Criminal Defense for Assault and Battery Cases in South Carolina


If you are facing assault and battery charges, it is possible that you haven't actually physically harmed someone. Many people associate assault and battery with brutal beatings, but that is just one example. There are other situations that are less severe than what people typically imagine.

 Car Accident Attorney Bluffton, SC

It's a common misunderstanding that physical injury is required for assault and battery charges. The fines, penalties, and jail time you may face depend on the severity of your charges and the number of offenses. Regardless of the degree of your charges, Assault and Battery is a serious offense that should not be taken lightly. The consequences of a conviction can be life-changing, and as such, your criminal defense lawyer in Bluffton, SC, should work relentlessly to fight the charges being levied against you.

Though this list isn't comprehensive, here are some of the biggest factors that dictate the severity of your assault and battery charges:

  • Age of Victim
  • Severity of Injuries Sustained
  • Size and Weight of Accused vs. Size and Weight of Victim
  • Whether or Not the Victim Presses Charges
  • Whether or Not Weapons Were Involved
  • Whether or Not the Victim's Privates Were Touched

Understanding the Degrees of Assault and Battery in South Carolina

Third Degree

Causing harm to someone or threatening to do so with the ability to carry out the threat can result in a charge of third-degree assault and battery. This misdemeanor offense is typically heard in municipal or magistrate courts and may carry a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail.

Second Degree

Causing harm or making threats to harm someone that results in moderate bodily injury can lead to charges of second-degree assault and battery. Additionally, touching someone's private parts without their consent can also result in charges of assault and battery in the second degree. This misdemeanor offense is heard in General Session court and can carry a maximum sentence of three years in prison.

First Degree

Assault and Battery in the first degree can involve a number of actions such as inflicting an unlawful injury when kidnapping, touching a person's privates "with lewd and lascivious intent," and much more. Contact Theos Law Firm for more info on the degrees of Assault and Battery in South Carolina.

What Client Say About Us

Everyone Deserves a Reliable Criminal Defense Attorney in Bluffton, SC


At Theos Law firm, we work tirelessly to ensure that our client's rights are not overlooked. Because unfortunately, the rights of everyday citizens are often trampled by law enforcement oversights and legal system failures.

That's why every criminal defense lawyer at our firm works hard to provide guidance and support throughout the legal process by keeping you informed of updates and as comfortable as possible during this trying time. Benefits of hiring Theos Law Firm include:

  • Thorough Knowledge of South Carolina Criminal Law & Procedures
  • Seasoned Legal Representation in the Courtroom
  • Years of Experience Structuring Plea bargains
  • Ability to Identify Due Process Violations
  • Fierce Dedication to Clients & Vigorous Representation
  • Skilled Negotiation Tactics Involved with Bail, Sentencing, Appeals, and More
  • Familiarity with Local Prosecutors

Unlike some criminal defense law firms in South Carolina, our team believes that everyone deserves a great lawyer when their freedoms are on the line. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime in South Carolina, trust Theos Law to have your back without judgment.

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15 Best Things To Do In Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

One might argue that it's the quality of the beach that makes a place the best beach town of them all, but Hilton Head Island proves something even mor...

One might argue that it's the quality of the beach that makes a place the best beach town of them all, but Hilton Head Island proves something even more true: It's the richness of the town that wins the day, and in this case, the hearts of its 40,000 locals.

Let's not dismiss Hilton Head's superb beach bona fides, however. Tucked snugly against the water-riven coast of South Carolina, the foot-shaped island exposes 12 miles of broad, tawny sands to the Atlantic Ocean's rolling swells.

Outside of its beach appeal, the sparkling eco-community (with a serious nod to golf)—that real estate developer Charles Fraser carved out amid the island's dense pine stands in 1956—has matured with time.

Today, it stands as a collection of gated neighborhoods surrounded by live oaks, magnolias, and palmettos; neon-free boulevards bordered by bike paths; and boasting clusters of markets, bars, boutiques, and more than 250 restaurants.

Keep reading for the 15 best things to do in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

What To Do In Arts And Culture

This regional art center does it all. Located in the heart of Hilton Head, the center produces its own theater series, in addition to welcoming musicians, performers, vocalists, and comics from across the country.

You can stop in to see a play, and fans of the visual arts can also check out the center's Walter Greer Gallery, which is operated in partnership with the Art League of Hilton Head and features the work of more than 150 local artists.

artshhi.com; 14 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-686-3945

Hilton Head is home to one of the great American cultures, Gullah, which evolved from the beliefs and practices of Africans enslaved on (and later liberated from) Hilton Head's indigo and Sea Island cotton plantations.

In fact, the island is home to Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, site of the first self-governing village of liberated enslaved people—then called "freedmen"—in the nation. Set beneath arching oaks on Port Royal Sound, Mitchelville is now a center for touring and education and is emblematic of a welcome surge in Gullah-focused tours, festivals, and cuisine, as well as an increased awareness for the 2.67 million visitors who cross the bridge onto Hilton Head Island every year.

exploremitchelville.org; 40 Harriet Tubman Way, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926; 843-255-7301

For a town of only 40,000 to boast its own symphony is no small feat. With about four decades of performances under its belt, the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra concerts are a must for music lovers.

Series performances are held on Sundays and Mondays throughout the year at First Presbyterian Church, but you can catch more casual performances by going to a free Symphony Under the Stars show at Colony Park when the weather is fair.

hhso.org; 7 Lagoon Road, Suite 100, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-842-2055

Hilton Head is home to one of the coolest jazz clubs on the East Coast. For an elegant evening out and a one-of-a-kind experience, make reservations for The Jazz Corner. This jazz club has been swaying to the rhythm since 1999 and still hosts two shows a night, seven days a week—all without missing a beat.

thejazzcorner.com; 1000 William Hilton Parkway C-1, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-842-8620

What To Do Outdoors

All 12 miles of Hilton Head Island are public beaches that feel both expansive and inclusive (several access points include mats for wheelchairs). And with an average air and water temperature of around 70 degrees, that's about as pitch perfect as beach life gets.

In town and along the beach, there are enough outdoor activities on offer to keep you staying and playing all day long and into the night. They'll certainly tempt you to put off turning in until way past sunset.

Stroll the sidewalks to catch glimpses of blue skies and bluer waters, but the better way to see it all is by biking along the sands to see the sights. There are several outfitters where you can snag a set of wheels in town, but few have the longevity and service of Hilton Head Bicycle Company, which has been in business for more than 30 years.

hiltonheadbicycle.com; 112 Arrow Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-686-6888

The fishing enthusiasts in your party can cast a line from the beach or book a chartered boat to take the fun to the deep blue. Popular shoreside spots include Jarvis Creek Park, the Charles C. Haigh Jr. Fishing Pier, and lagoons at Palmetto Dunes or The Sea Pines Resort.

When you're ready to delve into deeper waters, book a fishing charter to from companies like Drifter Excursions or Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina, which will ferry you to the best spots to catch everything from king mackerel to giant tarpon.

hiltonheadboattours.com; 86 Helmsman Way, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-363-2900

sheltercovehiltonhead.com; 1 Shelter Cove Ln, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-548-0532

With more than 26 championship courses sprinkled throughout the island, Hilton Head is a golfer's paradise. You can play a course designed by some of the greats, including Robert Trent Jones, Jack Nicklaus, and Pete Dye. What's truly special about golfing on Hilton Head Island are the gorgeous landscapes to be admired everywhere you turn. Just a ride on a golf cart is a real treat for the senses.

For the most adventurous vacationers in the bunch, there are endless opportunities for outdoor adventure on the water. Take your pick from kayaking, paddle boarding, surfing, sailing, jet skiing, and parasailing. Lowcountry Watersports offers dolphin and kayak tours as well as boat rentals. At H20 Sports, rent jet skis or book a parasailing trip for amazing island views. The world—or should we say the island—is your oyster.

lowcountrywatersports.com, 86 Helmsman Way, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

h2osports.com, 149 Lighthouse Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

Where To Eat And Drink

First-time visitors are sure to fall in love with Hudson's Seafood House on the Docks, founded by Andrew Carmines. The waterfront spot overlooking the Port Royal Sound serves fresh catch daily, and they've been doing things the same way for more than 50 years. You can't go wrong if you order the day's special—it was likely plucked from the ocean that very morning.

hudsonsonthedocks.com; 1 Hudson Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926; 843-681-2772

Enjoy tasty French bistro staples like escargots (served with garlic herb butter sauce and crispy leeks), perfectly cooked cassoulet, and two kinds of moules-frites at Chez Georges. The wine list is impeccable, as well.

Catch the aperitif hour from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., when adult beverages are two dollars off and there’s a small plates menu offered. The restaurant also uses this time to host ticketed wine tastings complete with paired cheese plates.

chezgeorgeshhi.com; 37 New Orleans Road, Suite J, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-785-3200

Find the best croissants this side of the Atlantic at transplanted Philippe Feret's Hilton Head Social Bakery. In addition to classic French pastries like Kouign-Amann, mango peach turnovers, and almond brioche, the cozy cafe also offers about 20 varieties of tarts, plus more specialty desserts.

You'll also find a savory menu featuring dishes like quiche and jambon-beurre, a traditional French ham and cheese sandwich on a baguette. With a new second location on the island, it's easier than ever to get your fix.

hiltonheadsocialbakery.com; 17 Harborside Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-715-3349

This lively cafe near Coligny Beach will put you on island time in a matter of minutes. All you need is one of their signature daiquiris, a basket of fried shrimp, and a shady spot under a tiki umbrella listening to live music.

frostyfrog.com; 1 North Forest Beach Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 843-686-3764

What To Do In Town

The red-and-white striped landmark has become the calling card for this very special island since it was erected more than five decades ago. Located on the Yacht Basin in Harbour Town, $7 will earn you admission to climb to the top of the lighthouse and to see the attached museum, where you can find out more about the lighthouse and Hilton Head's history.

harbourtownlighthouse.com; 149 Lighthouse Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928; 866-305-9814

After you've climbed to the top of the lighthouse, spend some time strolling through the town below to peruse the 20 locally owned shops, boutiques, and specialty stores located in Harbour Town. From Hilton Head souvenirs to handmade gifts and sweet treats, there's something for everyone in this charming corner of the island.

Beloved family restaurant in Bluffton to close its doors for good soon. Here’s when and why

Beloved family restaurant, Pour Richard’s, will be closing its doors on Jan. 31.Located off of Bluffton Parkway, Pour Richard’s has been serving deliciously comforting Southern cuisine and wine since 2010.Seemingly quaint and small, this restaurant has made a big impact on both locals and visitors to the Lowcountry for 15 years.Known for their dishes like Southern French onion soup (which is the only item that never left the m...

Beloved family restaurant, Pour Richard’s, will be closing its doors on Jan. 31.

Located off of Bluffton Parkway, Pour Richard’s has been serving deliciously comforting Southern cuisine and wine since 2010.

Seemingly quaint and small, this restaurant has made a big impact on both locals and visitors to the Lowcountry for 15 years.

Known for their dishes like Southern French onion soup (which is the only item that never left the menu), chocolate bourbon pies and chicken dishes, Pour Richard’s has been a go-to spot for Bluffton families and friends to gather, unwind and enjoy a meal together for years.

Pour Richard’s is closing because another restaurant buyer bought the establishment, said Allyson Rogers, one of the owners of Pour Richard’s..

This new spot will bring a whole new array of dishes and drinks. There are also plans to entirely renovate the space and to open at the beginning of March, though details of the new concept are still under wraps. More information about the incoming location will be released soon.

The restaurant announced its closing on Jan. 20 through a post on Facebook, with frequent guests and community locals flooding the comments with heartfelt messages to say goodbye.

But above the food, the service is what made Pour Richard’s feel like home for so many. Over 200 guests reminisced in the comments that from birthdays, anniversaries, family dinners and even first dates, Pour Richard’s greeted every customer with a smile, served food that warmed you up from the inside out and made every customer feel like family.

Owners Richard Canestrari and Rogers have spent every day for the past 15 years waking up early and opening up the restaurant. Now their worlds are about to flip upside down.

“It all feels a little surreal and it’s all starting to sink in this week,” said Allyson Rogers, pastry chef.

But as all good things must come to an end, so many visitors of Pour Richard’s are anxious to know what’s next. Right now, Rogers and Canestrari aren’t entirely sure, but they are leaving the door open to reflect and recharge.

“For now, I think we are going to take a break and figure things out. Richard has always been involved with the food businesses, so I think sometime soon we may look into opening a new spot … maybe something with more drinks on the menu,” Rogers said.

As a final hurrah, you can still visit Pour Richard’s until the end of the month and even join them at 6 p.m. on Jan. 30 for a toast where they plan to celebrate until there’s nothing left to pour.

“I’m ready to get back to the things I often missed out on or forgot to do, like sleeping in, getting out on the boat or fixing my lawn, but it’s exciting to see what we’ll do next … something totally different,” Rogers said.

Pour Richard’s is located at 4376 Bluffton Parkway in Bluffton. They are open 5:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.

This story was originally published January 25, 2025 at 1:00 AM.

The Island Packet

(843) 626-0211

Anna Claire Miller is the Service Journalism Reporter for The Island Packet. Originally from Georgia, she has experience in magazine writing, non-profit communications and city government. Anna Claire has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, legal studies and English from High Point University.

Update: What Lowcountry areas got the most snow? Here are numbers for Hilton Head & SC

The rumors are true. The Lowcountry has been covered in a blanket of snow for the first time since 2018.Much of the snowfall happened overnight, with ice and sleet starting around 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21.It appears on latest snowfall totals from the National Weather Service that Bluffton received the most snow at 4 inches, followed by Hilton Head Island at 3.5 inches.The area remains under a cold weather advisory until Thursday but the winter storm warning was lifted Wednesday, Jan. 22, at noon. However, cold temperat...

The rumors are true. The Lowcountry has been covered in a blanket of snow for the first time since 2018.

Much of the snowfall happened overnight, with ice and sleet starting around 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

It appears on latest snowfall totals from the National Weather Service that Bluffton received the most snow at 4 inches, followed by Hilton Head Island at 3.5 inches.

The area remains under a cold weather advisory until Thursday but the winter storm warning was lifted Wednesday, Jan. 22, at noon. However, cold temperatures will continue through the next few days, making roadways potentially dangerous.

Follow our weather coverage here.

These temperatures, which will hover around freezing, will create driving risks and more dangerous roads on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Beaufort and Jasper county officials are advising residents to avoid driving unless absolutely necessary.

This story will be updated throughout the week as final data is recorded by the National Weather Service.

Here is how much snow accumulated in these areas in 2025 and how it stacks up to previous snowfall, according to the NWS:

Okatie: 3.5 inches

Hardeeville: 3 inches

Ridgeland: 2.5 inches

Bluffton: 4 inches

Beaufort: 3 inches

Port Royal: 2.5 inches

Hilton Head Island: 3.5 inches

Charleston: 2 inches

Savannah: 3 inches

Tybee Island: 2.6 inches

With the current reported snowfall from the NWS, Bluffton saw the heaviest snowfall in Beaufort County, with 4 inches total.

In 2018, Charleston saw the most amount of snowfall with 5.3 inches covering the area.

Here are recorded levels of snowfall from the NWS during the 2018 storm:

Okatie: 4 inches

Hardeeville: 3 inches

Ridgeland: 6 inches

Bluffton: 4 inches

Beaufort: 3.5 inches

Port Royal: 3 inches

Hilton Head Island: 4.5 inches

Savannah: 2.8

Tybee Island: 1 inch

The Callawassie Island area saw the most amount of snowfall for Beaufort County, with 4.8 inches of snow covering the area.

This story was originally published January 22, 2025 at 9:58 AM.


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