Personal Injury Attorneyin Daniel Island, SC.

We at the Theos Law Firm know that finding the right attorney to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly.

What Should You Do After a Car Accident in South Carolina?

The moments following the crash are often a blur when you're involved in a car accident. However, per South Carolina law, those on the scene must adhere to legal responsibilities and obligations.

First, try to stop your car and ensure it is positioned safely near the scene of the crash. Then, call 911 to report the accident. While most folks go into full-blown panic mode, you need to stay calm so you can process the situation. If you notice that there are injured people, give them "reasonable assistance." Per South Carolina Code of Laws, that could include transporting hurt people to a hospital or calling an ambulance for them.

If you're in a car crash, you need to be prepared to exchange contact information with other drivers at the accident scene. If the person who caused the collision is present, make sure to get their name, phone number, address, and insurance info. If witnesses are present, get their contact info, too, in case our team needs to obtain their account later.

Next, try to piece together how the car crash happened. This is an appropriate time to take photos of the cars, wreckage, and debris. Ask yourself if you think a vehicle failed to follow the rules of the road, like speeding or failing to stop at a stop sign.

Regardless of how minor your injuries may appear and who may be to blame for the accident, get legal advice from Theos Law Firm first before giving any recorded statements or refusing medical care.

 Car Accident Attorney Daniel Island, SC
 Family Law Daniel Island, SC

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A Personal Injury Attorney in Daniel Island, SC You Can Trust

Time and again, auto accident victims agree to early settlements provided by insurance companies because the offer seems like a lot. But what if you return to work after recovering from an accident, only for your pain to return?

With adjusters, lawyers, and investigators at their disposal, insurance agencies will do everything in their power to minimize the compensation you deserve. Don't let them pick on you or silence your voice. If you or a loved are victims of a negligent car or truck accident in South Carolina, contact Theos Law Firm today. We have the team, tools, and experience to fight back on your behalf, no matter how complicated your case may seem.

 Family Law Attorney Daniel Island, SC

To schedule an appointment for your free consultation, contact Theos Law Firm in Daniel Island today.

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Berkeley County Provides Important Election Day Information

POLLING PLACES: On Election Day, there will be 59 polling locations open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. across all Berkeley County voting precincts. If you are in line by 7 p.m., you will be allowed to vote. To view your individual polling location, go HERE or visit You must h...

POLLING PLACES: On Election Day, there will be 59 polling locations open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. across all Berkeley County voting precincts. If you are in line by 7 p.m., you will be allowed to vote. To view your individual polling location, go HERE or visit You must have a photo ID and be registered to vote in Berkeley County. Check your voter registration status HERE.

CURBSIDE VOTING: Each voting location will offer curbside voting for voters ages 65 and older and/or with a disability.

Please note, display of campaign material is not allowed at the polls on Election Day or during early voting, according to state law. This law applies to any visual display of campaign material including posters, pamphlets, brochures, signs, buttons, hats, t-shirts, etc. Voters displaying campaign material who enter the 500-foot area around polling locations will be asked to remove, cover, or otherwise cause any campaign material not to be seen. Learn more HERE.

POLL WATCHER VS. OBSERVER: According to the SC Election Commission Poll Manager Handbook, state law allows poll watchers and observers to be present at polling locations. However, neither is allowed to talk directly to voters.

EARLY VOTING:The early voting period continues 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. through tomorrow, Saturday, November 2 at the locations listed below. You must have your photo ID and be registered to vote:

To date, at least 50,000 people have cast a ballot across all four early voting locations during the early voting period.

ABSENTEE VOTING: The deadline to turn in an application has passed. Completed absentee ballots must be returned to the Berkeley County Voter Registration & Elections Office no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day (November 5). Photo ID is required to return your ballot in person. For more information, go HERE.

To follow results live on Election Night, visit HERE.

For all election-related information, visit or the County Voter Registration and Elections Department Page. You may also call 843-719-4056 or email vog.csytnuocyelekreb@ervbew.


-Prepared by the Berkeley County Public Information Office-

absentee ballot campaign election General Election poll polling precinct vote voter


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